Jealous Guy


Intro:A  F#m   E  E7   A 
IA was drF#meaming of the paEst,
and my hE7eart was running fast.F#m   F#m6 
I began to lose control,E I beF#mgan to lose coDntrol.
I didnA't mean Emto hurt you,D 
I'm sorrAy that EmI made C#you cry, oh no.
I didn'At want to hurt youF#m,
I'm a jDealous Aguy.
I was feeling in secure,
you might not love me anymore.
I was shivering inside, I was shivering inside.
solo:AF#mwasE tE7ryiF#mng F#m6to cEatF#mch Dyour eyes,
thought that you was trying to hide.
I was swallowing my pain, I was swallowing my pain.
Watch Aout, I'm just aD jealous guyA.
Look outA, babe, I'm jDust a jealous gAuy.
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:11.565+00:00
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